Beyond Back Pain with Sarah Key
Sarah Key Bite Size On Backs
Is It Okay To Exercise (And Use The BackBlock) After Hip Replacement and Other Surgery?

Is It Okay To Exercise (And Use The BackBlock) After Hip Replacement and Other Surgery?

. . . and the answer is YES in a big way!

I came to see Sarah in Bridge Street many years ago. The BackBlock has been fantastic.
A few years ago I had a massive fall resulting in a hip replacement.
My back has been very good but recently it’s become very sore due to lack of movement after breaking my wrist.
I just want to know if it’s safe to use the BackBlock with a hip replacement. Or could it cause the hip replacement to go out of place?
Is Sarah practicing somewhere in Sydney these days as I’d love some physio done . Thank you so much


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Beyond Back Pain with Sarah Key
Sarah Key Bite Size On Backs
Leisurely and discursive, these easy-listening snippets cover everything under the sun about backs and back pain - spinal conditions, diagnoses, spinal therapy and 3-dimensional self help.
By avoiding highfalutin medical jargon I hope to make sense (love that phrase) and to be understood, so it's easier for you to fix yourself.
I have been a practicing physical therapist for several decades and the author of five books on back pain and other musculoskeletal disorders. I will attempt to answer some of your questions submitted in the Comments pane in subsequent podcasts.