Beyond Back Pain with Sarah Key
Sarah Key Bite Size On Backs
Lumbar Facet Joints: The Prima Donnas of Back Pain

Lumbar Facet Joints: The Prima Donnas of Back Pain

The lumbar facets react to mechanical insult with inflammation, swelling and pain because their blood supply is so florid. That same blood supply means facets quickly forgive, forget - and heal.

With acute facet joint arthropathy the main symptoms is raging sciatica. Back pain is usually minimal and totally overshadowed by what is going on in the leg.


Conversely, the main feature of sub-acute arthropathy is a very painful area in the side of the back that your hand keeps going to for comfort. There may be radiating pain into the butt, around the flank and front of abdomen (if higher lumbar facets are involved), or down the leg. Typically, the sciatic pain is deep and gnawing, like a toothache in the leg.

With chronic facet arthropathy, the pain in the back is more stubborn and low grade, which typically craves pummelling (people get their knuckles or fist in to get relief). The familiar leg pain mainly comes on with prolonged sitting, such as on a long car trip.

See the 3-part facet joint arthropthy discussion here.

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Beyond Back Pain with Sarah Key
Sarah Key Bite Size On Backs
Leisurely and discursive, these easy-listening snippets cover everything under the sun about backs and back pain - spinal conditions, diagnoses, spinal therapy and 3-dimensional self help.
By avoiding highfalutin medical jargon I hope to make sense (love that phrase) and to be understood, so it's easier for you to fix yourself.
I have been a practicing physical therapist for several decades and the author of five books on back pain and other musculoskeletal disorders. I will attempt to answer some of your questions submitted in the Comments pane in subsequent podcasts.