Beyond Back Pain with Sarah Key
Sarah Key Bite Size On Backs
Sometimes A Neck/Thorax Problem Can Masquerade As A Heart Attack

Sometimes A Neck/Thorax Problem Can Masquerade As A Heart Attack

. . . with pain referred to the front of the chest

Carrying the head too far forward in a fixed posture in front of the line of gravity, common to people spending all day on their computer, generates enormous compressive forces where the neck joins the thorax (cervico-thoracic junction). Pain referral patterns from strain here can mimic a heart attack.

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Beyond Back Pain with Sarah Key
Sarah Key Bite Size On Backs
Leisurely and discursive, these easy-listening snippets cover everything under the sun about backs and back pain - spinal conditions, diagnoses, spinal therapy and 3-dimensional self help.
By avoiding highfalutin medical jargon I hope to make sense (love that phrase) and to be understood, so it's easier for you to fix yourself.
I have been a practicing physical therapist for several decades and the author of five books on back pain and other musculoskeletal disorders. I will attempt to answer some of your questions submitted in the Comments pane in subsequent podcasts.