Beyond Back Pain with Sarah Key
Sarah Key Bite Size On Backs
Podcast Response to Query From John

Podcast Response to Query From John

Do degenerated intervertebral discs grow back?

Hello Sarah - I’m a recent convert to the BackBlock. I’m just about to turn 60. Over 25 years ago, I was diagnosed with “degenerative disc disease”. A surgeon examined my MRI and told me he expected my lower lumbar discs to degrade completely over the next 10 years. They had lost their ability to absorb shocks. I had another MRI done 20 years after the first. The discs were not just still there, their condition seemed better. So my question is whether worn discs can to some extent recover. Or will they always be weak?

Beyond Back Pain with Sarah Key
Sarah Key Bite Size On Backs
Leisurely and discursive, these easy-listening snippets cover everything under the sun about backs and back pain - spinal conditions, diagnoses, spinal therapy and 3-dimensional self help.
By avoiding highfalutin medical jargon I hope to make sense (love that phrase) and to be understood, so it's easier for you to fix yourself.
I have been a practicing physical therapist for several decades and the author of five books on back pain and other musculoskeletal disorders. I will attempt to answer some of your questions submitted in the Comments pane in subsequent podcasts.